WBL Workshop #3

     In the 3rd WBL Workshop this year we learned about our rights as workers. There are certain laws  (OSHA Laws) for working under 18. To be able to work under 18 you must have the proper working papers. A blue card (for 14 - 15 year olds) or green card (for 16 - 17 year olds) are the required documentation needed to be eligible to work. The law permits a maximum 8 hour work day (lower if on a school day), a maximum of 6 days a week, and a maximum of 48 hours per week. The range of hours permitted to work is from 6AM to midnight. If a worker is injured because of something at their job their are eligible to receive worker's compensation. Finally, a memorandum of agreement must be issued highlighting specific work experience agreements that will be used as operating procedure. The student, parent, coordinator, and employer must agree to the terms.
     There are certain occupation young workers can't hold. These are dangerous occupations such as mining, factory work, deli meatboy, etc. If dangerous machinery exist in the workplace young workers are not to operate or go near them for risk of injury and the employer can't ask them to use the machines. The young worker has the right to be trained by the employer. The duties of the job must be demonstrated to the point that the employee understands the task and is able to conduct it with little confusion. If something is unclear the young worker has the right to ask the employer to elaborate further about the task. It is a right to not have to do work outside of your job description or memorandum of agreement. If you work a computer job and the employer asks you to move a desk you do not have to do it as long as it is not mentioned in your job description. If young workers feel some part of their rights have been violated or they have been sexually assaulted by their employer they have the right to report it to their coordinator who will sort things out. 


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