The second project for DD this year was about creating a website in appreciation of your favorite teacher. This project was a lot like the our first project except it revolved around a teacher and not movies, otherwise, it required all the same skills we learned in the first project. Just like in the first project, the beginning steps were not in the computer, rather, they were on paper. After deciding which teacher to make the site about (Ms. Sakhno), I begun by creating wireframes both of the website itself and how the folders for the project would be organized. My website wireframe consisted of 4 pages all with relative links that took the user to all the other pages from any single page. There was a home page, which explained the purpose of the site and why the teacher I chose was my favorite, a biography page, which described the teacher's life up until now, a subject page, which discussed the subject the teacher taught, a trivia page, which displayed an infog...
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