Lab 4 Reflection

     In Lab 4 we practiced creating tables which included changing the background color of certain things only. To create a table we used the <table> tag. Within the table, however, there are more tags to use. After the table tag we used the <tr> tag. What this tag does is create a new row in the table. Between the <tr> tags can come <th> or <td> or both. <th> makes a table heading, meaning that the text between this tag will default to be bold so it looks like a heading. <td> is used for inputting information in the table other than headings, so if this is a data table <td> is used to put in numbers and they won't be bold like the heading. In this lab we were to create a table consisting of 3 columns and 16 rows. In each row the name of a color had to be stated along with its hex number in HTML and a display of the actual color (make the background of one cell the color being stated).
     We started by creating a table row. Within this row were three entries, to create 3 columns, all of which were headings noting which column would state the name, which column would state hex number, and which column would contain the actual color. The next rows after this contained actual data entries according to what the heading required, meaning an actual color name followed by its hex number and the color itself were the items in the row. Inputting the color name and hex was easy since it was just a matter of typing text in between <td> tags. To make the background color of a cell match the color being stated in the row inline CSS was required. Within each <td> tag meant to display a color the 'style' attribute was used. This attribute was set equal to 'background-color' and the background color was set to the color mentioned in the table.
     It is important for a web designer to know these skills because being able to make and style a table is a step forward in knowing how to make an organized menu/directory. A website containing many pages will need a menu or directory to navigate. A menu is essentially a table with a few more feature such as drop down. Learning how to make a table is not the same as making a menu but it is a step towards it. The organizational skills and styling skills needed in making a table will carry over to making a directory and will help a web designer make things easy to find.


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