Current Events #2
Net neutrality was a set of rules made to protect the consumer from ISPs. It helped in making sure that consumers did not have their Internet unfairly throttled and that all data on the Internet was treated equally. These rules were enacted in 2015 but were struck down in 2017 by the FCC led by Ajit Pai. Ever since the striking down of these rules some evidence has arised that ISPs may already be throttling data unfairly. A research team from the University of Massachusetts found that US cell providers are practicing throttling with data from 161 countries showing ISPs give a fixed amount of bandwidth to something like streaming but have no limits for other types of traffic. Different plans may also be subject to throttling, with ISPs choosing to throttle people with a particular plan while not doing the same to others on a different plan. For the time being what the consumer can do to combat this is to switch to an ISP that doesn't throttle and check the specs of the service using an app such as Wehe. In the long term in the US citizens can make Net Neutrality rules laws by urging their congresspeople to do so and voting people who are for these rules.
My personal reflection is that while for the time Net Neutrality is down one can switch to an ISP that doesn't throttle more emphasis needs to be put into what needs to be done in the long term. The rules were originally shot down because it was just a policy of the FCC, not a law passed by Congress. In order to ensure consumer protection on the Internet Net Neutrality must be passed as something less easier to shoot down. Pieces of legislature require votes by both chambers of Congress to repeal, instead of one 5 person board in the FCC deciding the fate of consumers. This means as a piece of legislature Net Neutrality would be harder to shoot down. To do this, however, the long term needs to be considered. This would mean electing Representatives, given the opportunity in an election year, that would be supportive of Net Neutrality legislation. It could even mean electing a president that would support these rules and not appoint people to government positions that would work to kill these rules. In conclusion, we can ensure consumer protection on the Internet in the long run but it will require many to participate in elections and be more aware of Net Neutrality and the government in general.
Works cited:
Bracci, Aria "New research shows that, post net neutrality, internet providers are slowing down your streaming" 10 Sep 2018. Web 17 Sep 2018.
My personal reflection is that while for the time Net Neutrality is down one can switch to an ISP that doesn't throttle more emphasis needs to be put into what needs to be done in the long term. The rules were originally shot down because it was just a policy of the FCC, not a law passed by Congress. In order to ensure consumer protection on the Internet Net Neutrality must be passed as something less easier to shoot down. Pieces of legislature require votes by both chambers of Congress to repeal, instead of one 5 person board in the FCC deciding the fate of consumers. This means as a piece of legislature Net Neutrality would be harder to shoot down. To do this, however, the long term needs to be considered. This would mean electing Representatives, given the opportunity in an election year, that would be supportive of Net Neutrality legislation. It could even mean electing a president that would support these rules and not appoint people to government positions that would work to kill these rules. In conclusion, we can ensure consumer protection on the Internet in the long run but it will require many to participate in elections and be more aware of Net Neutrality and the government in general.
Works cited:
Bracci, Aria "New research shows that, post net neutrality, internet providers are slowing down your streaming" 10 Sep 2018. Web 17 Sep 2018.
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